Masham, Ruth Hudson2020-06-232020-06-232005Masham, R. H (2005) Gender and school performance among refugee children in Tanzania: a case of Mkuyu in Handeni district, tanga region. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam. in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HV801.T34 M3)The purpose of this study was to find out how the refugeeism phenomenon impacts on refugee children in terms of gender and school performance among refugee children in Tanzania, The study analysed the experiences and circumstances of the Mkuyu Somali refugee children in Handeni District, with respect to education progress, performance and social adjustment. The study reveals that refugeeism has an impact on the academic progress of a refugee child. The study also found that refugee girls had more problems in terms of school enrolment, attendance, performance, social adjustment and mingling with locals. It was also revealed that little has been achieved in terms of integration of refugees in the local system because the refugees were still confined and detained in the camp. Even the school was situated in the camp and satisfied the educational needs of the refugee children. It was also found that the refugee children were registered as foreigners despite the fact that they were being offered with an education of integration. However, it has been noted that currently, the Mkuyu refugees are settled at Chogo camp which is situated in Mzundu ward in Handeni District, Tanga Region. It can, therefore, be recommended that the concept of integration of refugees in the local system should be examined thoroughly so that factors that hinder proper sound adjustment to be eliminated and special attention placed on refugee girl children by creating more conducive learning environment.enRefugeesChildrenSchool enrollmentHandeniTangaTanzaniaGender and school performance among refugee children in Tanzania: a case of Mkuyu in Handeni district, tanga regionThesis