Magoho, Agricola A. M2019-08-152020-01-082019-08-152020-01-081991Magoho, A. A. M (1991) States and urban unemployment in Tanzania: appraisal of the human resources deployment Act, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( )http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/6272Available in print formThis study is a theoretical evaluation of the state approach to the problem of urban unemployment in Tanzania through the use of legislation. The study covers the mainland Tanzania, and throughout the dissertation the name Tanzania has been used referring to Mainland Tanzania excluding Zanzibar. Chapter one gives the theoretical background to the problem of urban unemployment and provide the context under which the problem area of this study has been formulated. Chapter two examines the major causes of urban unemployment in Tanzania both during the colonial and post colonialeras. Chapter three sets out to examine the various policies and control measures taken by both the colonial regime in Tanzania and the Independence Government prior to the enactment of the Human Resources Deployment Act in 1983.Chapter four gives the anatomy of the Human Resources Deployment Act especially what prompted its enactment and the implementation of the legislation in the city of Dar es Salaam and Morogoro urban and rural Districts. The chapter also examines the implementation snags and the effectiveness of the legislation in combating the problem of unemployment in urban centres of Tanzania. Conclusion and recommendations are made in the last chapter in respect of the problems illuminated in the whole work. The chapter gives a general analysis of the state approach to the problem of urban unemployment through the use of legislation. It is argued that it is through conscious application of scientific laws of development preceded by thorough and relevant preparation that can help in solving the problem of urban unemployment in Tanzania. The chapter also advances a number of suggestions which if achieved can help to solve the problem of unemployment not only in urban centres of Tanzania but also in rural areas.enUnemployedManpower policyHuman resource deployment ActTanzaniaStates and urban unemployment in Tanzania: appraisal of the human resources deployment ActThesis