Killo, Dorah2020-05-072020-05-072013Killo, D. (2013) The attributes of Internal customer satisfaction in organizations: a case of Moshi Urban water supply and sewerage authority. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam. in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HF5415.5.K54)The aim of this study was to determine attributes of internal customer satisfaction in organizations. Specifically, the study determined the perception of employees about what defines the attributes of internal customers’ satisfaction, challenges facing organizations in attaining internal customers’ satisfaction, challenges facing organizations in attaining internal customers’ satisfaction and the organizational factors influencing the same. A total of 86 employees from Moshi Urban water and Sewage Authority were involved in this study. A semi-structured questionnaire was used as the main data collection tool and data analyzed using descriptive techniques and factor analysis. Findings show that customers define attributes of the internal customers’ satisfaction to include nine out of 22 Rabinowitz’ variable of internal customers’ satisfaction. Additionally, the interdepartmental challenges of serving the needs of internal customers were identified as lack of flexibility and commitment, order deprivation and mishandling and poor interdepartmental relationship. The organizational factors related to the issue of internal customer satisfaction were the organization or management facilitation of interdepartmental meetings, managerial support on determination of business necessity, and facilitation of professional development among staff. Other factors indicated by respondents were, recognition upon better performance, allowance for more authority and flexibility and objective prioritization. The study concludes that, interdepartmental relationship within organization is a multifaceted aspect which requires one department to see others as customers when rendering services. Proper communication and clear understanding of requests made to the supplying department enhances satisfaction. This is mediated by the appropriate organizational set-up and managerial support in defining duties and professional development.enCustomer satisfactionMoshi UrbanWater supplyThe attributes of Internal customer satisfaction in organizations: a case of Moshi Urban water supply and sewerage authorityThesis