Chaka, Masera Daniel2020-05-222020-05-222015Chaka, M.D(2015) The impact of tourism in urban land use case study of Suye Forest Reserve Hill Arusha city.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library,This study assessed that impact of tourism on utilization of urban land in Arusha city Kimandolu ward was purposively selected from nineteen wards of Arusha city, and from this ward two mita namely Kitimagare and Tindigari, were considered for the study. A preliminary study was conducted to identify households with methods characteristics. Seven hundred and fifty households were identified of whom 10% ware selected for the study. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through PRA techniques that included, households’ interviews, key information and field observation. Qualitative data ere quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS and MS excel computer programs. Results has shown that services facilities such as lodges and hotels, residential settlements, agro pastoralists and small businesses settings are common land uses in Arusha City. Tourism development has influenced Arusha City land use practices almost cash square kilometer hosts a tourism related facility, such as hotels, bureau de change, supermarkets, casinos, lodge, museums, conference halls and conservation units. The study has found that the conservation project lacks adequate local people involvement, loss of land rights-especially for the poor- and access to resources therein; uncontrolled land markets, land grabbing for tourism uses and corruptions, and all this has caused latent land conflicts between Kimandolu Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania and City Council, between siblings, between community and the city Council with formally evicted local south of Hill, and also between Karama lodge and the community. The study recommends for well-established mechanism of land conflict resolutions, community involvement, good governance, awareness raising as well as intensive agro-pastoralist to reduce latent land use conflicts with might result into physical confrontation.enImpact of tourismUrban landSuye Forest Reserve Hill Arusha city.ArushaThe impact of tourism in urban land use case study of Suye Forest Reserve Hill Arusha city.Thesis