Abdi, Noor Mohamed2021-08-132021-08-132017Abdi, Noor Mohamed (2017) Critical analysis of counter- terrorism measures in Garissa County, Kenya 2011-2015, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HV6433.K4A22)The research paper is on counter terrorism measures taken by Kenyan government as responses to Al Shabaab terrorist attacks in Garissa Country during the period 2011-2015. The study sought to identify and evaluate counter terrorism measures that are both military and non-military in approach in Garissa Country and more importantly establish the factors that facilitate the occurrence of terrorist activities in Garissa. The study utilized primary source such as key informant interviews and focused group discussion. Secondary data also sourced. The study found that a number of factors that include the colonial legacy in Garissa, perception of marginalization, proximity to Somalia, the presence of refugee camps, easy availability of radical literature in Somali language over the internet, unemployment and the deep rooted grievances among the residents of Garissa Country is leverage by radical group al Shabaab to radicalize and recruit into its terror network youth in the region. Further, the study established that the use of military to combat terrorists has achieved results in creating a buffer zone that moved terrorist bases away from the Kenyan borders. However, the militarization of the war on terrorism is faulted in the use of non-military counter terrorism approaches with the aim of winning hearts and mind in addition to providing a counter narrative to Al Shabaab ideologies. Finally, the study recommends that nonmilitary options to counter terrorism needs to be enhanced as well as making attempts to address the root causes and grievances of the local community to deny terrorist groups grounds for recruitment and delegitimize their radicalization narratives. Moreover, the study recommends that the local community needs to be sensitized and made an important stakeholders in the war against terrorism.enTerrorismGarissa countyKenyaCritical analysis of counter- terrorism measures in Garissa County, Kenya 2011-2015Thesis