Charles, Irege2019-10-302020-01-072019-10-302020-01-072014Charles, I. (2014) Challenges in the application of information and communication technology a case of procurement process at Temesa, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaamhttp://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/583Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF JF1525.P85T34C4752)This study examined challenges in the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in procurement process in Tanzania particularly at the TEMESA HQ in Dar es Salaam. The study sought to specifically identify procurement activities and events associated with ICT application, to assess the extent to which ICT was applied in procurement, to identify problems regarding the rate of ICT application and to identify challenges facing ICT application in the procurement process. Primary and secondary data were collected through 20 respondents whereby 15 of them were TEMESA office staff and 5 were suppliers who filled in a questionnaire. More data were obtained through interviews and observations. The analysis was done through qualitative techniques in which explanations were drawn, and the summary of results was presented in frequency percentage tables. Results from the study revealed that the rate of ICT application in procurement process at TEMESA was relatively low, therefore in order to increase the ICT application in procurement process, TEMESA has to undergo ICT training on procurement package to its staff, establish procurement ICT policy proceedings, lastly its budget has to include costs for tools and installation.enProcurementGovernment purchasingPublic procurementInformation technologyTanzania ElectricalMechanical and Electronics Services AgencyDar es SalaamTanzaniaChallenges in the application of information and communication technology a case of procurement process at TemesaThesis