Kopada, Mustapha Akinbode2019-10-142020-01-072019-10-142020-01-071998Kopada, M. A. (1998). Assessment of recharge and parameters of Makutopora groundwater basin using modelling approach. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( in print formA groundwater model was developed for the Makutapora groundwater basin. The developed model consists of hydrometeorological model that relates the monthly recharge to the precipitation, and geohydrological model that simulates the aquifer response to the groundwater recharge and withdrawal. Finite difference approximation was employed in the development of the model using non-uniform grid and the resulting set of equations solved by Gauss-Seidel iteration method. The transient state groundwater model was calibrated using optimization technique and validated against available observed water level record. Computer programs were developed for these purposes. Based on the existing data on the hydraulic parameters, the basin was divided into three aquifers and the average values of these parameters estimated for each. The longterm annual recharge was estimated to be 14.90 mm spread over the catchment area. Ten years simulation of the behaviour of the basin under an annual 4 % increment in abstraction rate shows an average of about 0.4 m per annum decline in head. Presently, there is need to initiate another water supply scheme as abstraction rate from the basin is more than recharge rate.enGroundwaterMakutoporaTanzaniaAssessment of recharge and parameters of Makutopora groundwater basin using modelling approach.Thesis