Donald, Gabriel2019-12-132020-01-072019-12-132020-01-072015Donald, G. (2015) The role of media in environmental information communication in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaamhttp://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/837Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF GE30.5.T34G32)The roles of media in environmental information communication are to increase understanding of the environment, to augment concern for the environment, and to stimulate willingness to act constructively within it. Thus, Media have been seen as a link process between sources and the recipients of environmental information. Questionnaires and documentary reviews methods was used to collect data to examine the role of media in environmental information communication in Tanzania. It was found that the major roles that media play in environmental information communication in Tanzania include to help in environmental decision-making; to stand as an integrated networking for environmental conservation; to bring awareness to the public concerning environmental issues; to speed up environmental information in reaching the public; to act as a link between sources and recipients of environmental information; to disseminate environmental education; and to contribute to the process of sustainable development. The study recommends that, the government in its sectorial policy should prioritize journalism studies in the higher education especially in environmental journalism as it did in educational studies in getting full loan and employment. Also, the government institutions should assist local media to receive and disseminate environmental information, and both the government and journalists should be up to date in media technologies so as to be conversant with any type of environmental information required or needed.enCommunication in the environmental sciencesMass media and environmentInformation servicesTanzaniaThe role of media in environmental information communication in TanzaniaThesis