Paulo, Jackson2021-02-172021-02-172018Paulo, Jackson (2018) Effects of social media networking at workplace on employee productivity : a case of the guardian ltd,Dar es Salaam ,Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, EAF collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library (THS EAF HM742.T34P38)This study assessed the effect of social media participation at the workplace on employee productivity. Specifically, the study sought 1) to determine the extent to which employee work time that is lost through SMN affects productivity 2) to analyze the extent to which work distraction that occurs due to SMN affects productivity 3) to determine the extent to which knowledge enhanced through SMN affects productivity and 4) to identify the extent to which the facilitated information sharing through social media affects employee productivity. The studied population involved 94 staff of the Guardian Ltd, a newspaper publishing company that is based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In conducting this study, a stratified sampling technique was initially applied to divide staff into departments, before a simple random sampling technique was utilized in getting the final intended sample. Primary data were collected using questionnaires that were administered directly to individual staff. The results of the study were processed using SPSS and presented in tables for discussion. Multiple Regressions was also used in the analysis. At 95% confidence interval, findings of the study disclosed that work-time lost by employees in SMN and work distraction that are caused by involvement in SMN both have a negative influence on employee productivity. However, a positive relationship exists between employee productivity and the other two variables; knowledge enhancement and information sharing. The study recommended that; since majority of employees uses their mobile phones to access social media at the workplace, the management should control employees' time through performance appraisals. The study also recommended for The Guardian Ltd to incorporate social media into organizational communication settings.enSocial MediaOnline social networkEmployeeWorkplaceThe Guardian ltdDar es SalaamEffects of social media networking at workplace on employee productivity : a case of the guardian ltd,Dar es SalaamThesis