Chipalo, Elias John2019-10-072020-01-082019-10-072020-01-082013Chipalo, E.J (2013) The effects of poor training policy in public sector: a case of immigration department of Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. (Available at in print formThe objective of this study was to assess the effects of poor training policy in the public sector particularly in the Immigration Department. This study examined the existence of such a policy and how it guides training practices as well as the employees’ perception towards the policy. The study also looked at the training practices particularly the design and implementation of such training, the assessment method and its effects on employees’ performance before and after training, and its impact on organizational performance, and employees’ satisfaction. A total of 89 questionnaires were administered with the respondents based at the Immigration Headquarters. All questionnaires were returned and data were then coded and analysed using Software Package for Statistical Science (SPSS).The results were presented using frequency tables and charts to supplement and support explanations.The study findings show that the poor training policy in place in the Immigration Department was behind the poor staff training and development practices. The Department was found to lack a written training policy to guide the selection and training of employees to meet employee and organizational objectives. The study found the effects of such training practices to include corrupt practices, nepotism, embezzlement, hostility, mistrust and poor performance. On the basis of these findings the study recommends the development and enforcement of a viable training policy coupled with the use of talent audits to ensure the right candidate are given the right responsibilities.enOccupational trainingGovernment policyImmigration departmentTanzaniaThe effects of poor training policy in public sector: a case of immigration department of TanzaniaThesis