Semiono, Dorothy2021-10-052021-10-052018Semiono, D (2018) Impact of water scarcity on agriculture in the Mbarali catchment of Rufiji river basin , Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF S 494.5W3T34S45)The issue of water scarcity and impact its is reality in many developing countries, including our country Tanzania especially in the rural areas, the study was conducted in Mbarali catchment. Primarily the main objective of this study was to assess the level of water scarcity and its impact on agriculture in Mbarali catchment. Water poverty index (WPI) methodology was to assess the level of water scarcity in the catchment. Interviews were conducted with the farmers to assess how water scarcity affects their livelihood. And other interviews with water related institutions for the purpose of knowing how these institutions help the farmer to cope with situation of water scarcity. Water Poverty Index (WPI) considers all aspects involved in water management, which include five components or indicator which are resources, environment access, use and capacity. Results show water poverty index is 41.8 indicating water resources of the catchment was unsafe which implies severe water scarcity level in the area, the interview results determine the major driver of livelihood of the farmers in the catchment is the availability of water resources for agriculture and livestock watering. During dry season water demand is greater than the supply as resulting in ignorance, conflicts, hunger, water pollution and poverty in the catchment. Therefore, basing on the above, the study provides following recommendation, increasing water availability by finding new water sources, capacity building and community awareness in managing available water and protecting water sources. Water availability for different users in the catchment to be reviewed, introduction of the new farming technology which using less water. Using of water efficiency in times of scarcity, especially in the months of Nov to Jan, and the government increasing fund in water resources management.enAgriculturalWater supplyWater scarcityMbarali catchmentRufiji basinTanzaniaImpact of water scarcity on agriculture in the Mbarali catchment of Rufiji river basinThesis