Sovi, Raymond2019-11-252020-01-072019-11-252020-01-072014Sovi, R. (2014) Performance analysis of a 33 kv sub transimission line: a case study of the Ilala – Kurasini 33 kV line, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1789Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF KT3001.T34S68)The Ilala - Kurasini 33 kV Sub - transmission line has suffered from many years of under-investment and the line is, as a result, mostly old and outdated. The system is characterized by heavily loaded transmission lines and transformers, resulting in frequent failures especially during the rainy season and peak loads. Generally the line has poor quality and unreliable supply. The growing of the economy has contributed to the growth of electricity demand, which is estimated to be at 15 % annually, and this has caused overloading and bottle necks to be evident in many parts of the transmission system. Load has to be shed during peak load in order to avoid dangerous overloads on lines, which would otherwise results in voltage collapse or even equipment failure. This study uses PSS/E software to present a solution of power flow problem in an assessment of a 7.5 km Ilala - Kurasini 33 kV sub-transmission line. From the load flow simulation result it was seen that a critically overloaded Ilala-Kurasini Sub- transmission line caused a high technical power loss along the line, which caused a serious low voltage within the same line and at three preceding primary substation’s bus bars points, and this resulted in poor performance in the whole distribution network. By changing the size of the existing conductors using a Bison ASCR conductor, it caused the resistivity of the conductor to reduce by 34.54 %, compared with the resistivity of the existing Dingo ACSR conductor, thus significantly reducing the technical power losses and corresponding energy losses in the network, improving voltage profile at the three bus bars and improving the performance of the whole distribution network.enElectric power transmissionIlala- Kurasini 33 KV lineTanzaniaPerformance analysis of a 33 kv sub transimission line: a case study of the Ilala – Kurasini 33 kV lineThesis