Simba, Mayasa Ayoub2019-12-142020-01-082019-12-142020-01-082006Simba, M. A (2006) Factors influencing the use of Discount vouchers to purchase and utilize insectide treated nets among women in Kibaha District, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/6160Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF RA644.M2S55)During the last decade insecticide treated nets have become a key strategy for malaria control. Discount vouchers are appealing tool for getting such nets to women and children under five years of age who are mostly vulnerable to malaria infection. The approach of discount vouchers usually involves subsidized price to make nets and insecticides affordable to the poor and most vulnerable group`s among them being pregnant women and children under five years of age. Tanzania adopted the use of ITNs as a malaria control measures, as stipulated in the malaria Control Strategic Plan, and it is among the leading country in the development and promotion of ITNs in Africa. This study aims at assessing the factors that influence the use of Discount Vouchers (DV) to purchase and utilize Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) among women in Kibaha District. The results of this study therefore adds onto the already known factors, which could be used to improve the implementation of the scheme. A cross- sectional study was carried out in the month of June 2006. Data was collected through face to face interviews with 280 pregnant women and women who had a child less than three years of age, and received DV when attending ate natal, Clinics. The study participants were selected using multistage sampling procedure. A total of 268(95.7%) women had received discount vouchers, and out of this, a total of 234(95.9%) were women who had a child less than three years. Of the 40 women who were pregnant at the at the time of the interview, 34(85%) had received a DV 229(85.4) had utilized their vouchers to purchase an ITN and 39(14.6%) had used their vouchers to purchase an INT. Majority of the women 241(86.1%) reported to have slept under an ITN regardless of their age, material status, education, main source of income and the number of women in the household. Multivariate analysis shows that, the main factors that had influenced women to purchase and use ITNs was the awareness of malaria and beneficial effect of using ITNs to protect them from malaria infection. Other factors that were important but not statistically significant included age of the respondent, marital status, income source, the amount required for top up and net price . A total of 210 women had mentioned to treat their nets, of the 210(86.2%) had treated their nets within six months, while 13.8% reported to have treated their nets beyond six months. About 51.4% of the interviewed women were willing to pay between Tsh .500-1000 as top –up money to obtain a net. Regarding willingness to pay an extra net for the family members use, 37.7% were willing to pay between Tsh.2000-3000enMalariaInsecticide treated netsDiscount rateMalaria infectionPreginant womenKibaha districtFactors influencing the use of Discount vouchers to purchase and utilize insectide treated nets among women in Kibaha DistrictThesis