Gwaltu, Damiano P2021-01-212021-01-212002Gwaltu, D.P (2002) Factors associated with public primary school enrolment in monduli district, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in print form, EAF Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, (THS EAF LC137. A3T34G8)There have been low enrollment rates in public primary schools in monduli district since 1995 irrespective of the pressing policy of University Primary Education. The purpose of this study was to investigate factors associated with low enrollment in moduli district. The subjects involved were 1 DEO, 6 WECs, 207 grade VI pupils, 79 teachers and 462 parents. The data were gathered and analysed in the light of the following null-hypotheses; first, there is no statistically significant relationship between school-related factors and enrolment in primary education. Second, there is no statistically significant relationship between community-related factors and primary school enrolment across gender. Third, there is no statically significant relationship between individual child’s related factors and selected school internal efficiency indicators such as dropout, transition and completion rates. The findings indicated that schooling cost and walking distance to and from school affected enrolment, no community-related factors affected children enrollment but community’s value such as circumcision influenced dropout, and lastly, health and disability status affected enrollment. It was recommended that the MOEC should design an evaluative mechanism that will ensure the enrolled children complete primary education cycle with acceptable literacy level. Also, schools should be built within the cattle keeping communities through self-help strategies to reduce walking distance to and from school.enEducationSchool enrolmentTanzaniaMonduli district TanzaniaFactors associated with public primary school enrolment in monduli districtThesis