Mwasanyamba, Farajani2020-03-132020-03-132016Mwasanyamba, F(2013)Assessment of the impact of labour laws on operational efficiency at workplaces: a case Study of Private and Government Sectors in Dar es Salaam, Master dissertation, University of Dr es Salaam, Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, University of Dar es Salaam at Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library(THS EAF KT125.M852)This study investigated the Assessment of Impact of Labour Laws on Operational Efficiency at workplaces in Dar es Salaam. The study had the following specific objectives: to identify how the Labour Laws in Tanzania adhere to the fundamental rights and protections so as to improve operational efficiency at workplaces; to examine effectiveness of Labour Laws to help resolve conflicts between employees and employers in relation to operational efficiency; and to assess ways Labour Laws influence working standards in enhancing operational efficiency. The study employed qualitative research approach and case study strategy. In regard to sampling, the study used purposive sampling technique as well as stratified random sampling. Data were collected through interview method as well as questionnaires. Regarding analysis, content analysis was employed. Findings revealed that majority and most common employees were not in favour of current labour laws. It was discovered that the current labour laws are one sided mostly in favour of employers. Therefore it was suggested that there is need for all stakeholders to participate in enacting labour laws that would favour both employees and employers. Also government involvement in the whole process was reported to be the most important aspect.enLabour laws and legislationTanzaniaAssessment of the impact of labour laws on operational efficiency at workplaces: a case Study of Private and Government Sectors in Dar es SalaamThesis