Mkamba, Amina2020-05-162020-05-162018Mkamba, A (2018) Assessing corporate social responsibility activities performance of selected companies and impact to the society, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD 60.T34K52)This study aimed to assess the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in selected companies and its welfare implications of the receiving communities. The study employed quantitative and qualitative research design in gathering, processing and analyzing data. The sample included 110 companies. The Data were collected through literature reviews, field research interviews and consultations using the designed questionnaire, and observation. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS and STATA software hence analysis for both descriptive and inferential statistics. In the adopted model the CSR expenditure was used as dependent variable while profit, and debt levels, managerial willingness and sustainability performance were used as independent variables. The findings indicate that all significant variables were positive related with CSR expenditure. The results show that company’s profit level significantly affects the capacity of the firm to provide and engage in the CSR activities. The results further indicate that debt level has positive implications on provision of the CSR services. On household level the study applied survey data to provide perception on the welfare implications as a result of CSR expenditure. Specifically the study found that there is beneficial aspect perceived by many individuals on the advantages of the CSR expenditure incurred by the companies on health and education. The study recommends that sustainability measures in terms of undertaking activities especially for environmental related activities should be highly encouraged in order to draw meaningful results from CSR spending. The coverage of sustainability should be primarily objected on future benefits of the community then being enlarged to cover the whole economy. At household level, it is recommended that welfare benefits from the CSR spending in health, transport, education and water services should also be utilized in a sustainable manner by surrounding communities. To achieve that objective, then it is suggested to develop various bylaws from which such sustainable benefits are protected for the intergenerational benefits. Thus it can be concluded that higher probability of provision of CSR services was associated with a need of companies to ensure they are recognized, increase reputation, create good community relationship, and market for their productsencorporateactivitiesAssessing corporate social responsibility activities performance of selected companies and impact to the societyThesis