Guruyedi, Albert Binodiya2020-05-312020-05-312006Guruyedi, A. B. (2006) The development of efficient and effective housing finance management system in Tanzania: its benefits to stakeholders, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD7287.55.T34G87)The housing finance plays the big role in the economy and development of any country. In Tanzania however, there is a lack of housing finance management system facility since the collapse of THB in 1995. This study discusses the benefits of establishing housing finance management system facility to stakeholders namely, estate developers, financial institutions, and individual builders, so as to enable those stakeholders to contribute to the growth of the country economy. The study is based on the information gathered from questionnaire supported by face to face interviews. The responses of 30 (90%) out of 33 distributed questionnaires to stakeholders have been achieved. Stakeholders namely estate developers, financial institutions and individual builders specially bankers, economists, quantity surveyors, engineers, architects and planners have been sampled though random sampling to accomplish data collection. It is indicated that the majority of stakeholders are very much in need of establishment of housing finance management system facility in Tanzania because it is going to alleviate the problem of shortage of housing in Tanzania. The stakeholders’ statements show that most agree that the establishment of housing finance facility has many advantages to the development of housing construction industry, and they could benefit with housing finance management system facility if established.enHousingFinanceManagementProject managementTanzaniaThe development of efficient and effective housing finance management system in Tanzania: its benefits to stakeholdersThesis