2020-08-172020-08-171964-05-13All must co-operate, Mwalimu tells House: 5-year plan "a call for work" (1964), The Nationalist.pp.3http:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Newspaper collectionThe president Nyerere stressed that "there is one thing which this plan is not. It is not a substitute for work. One the contrary it is a call for work". The plan covered all aspects of national life and involves all sections of the people. Its successful implementation depends on the active participation of every member of society and he added... "It will call for the co-operation and assistance of many non-Tanganyikans as well"enPresident NyerereIndustryAgricultureAll must co-operate, Mwalimu tells House: 5-year plan "a call for work"Other