Kisamba, Perpetua2020-05-162020-05-162013Kisamba, P. (2013) Assessment of factors influencing quality of design and its documentation in construction projects: the case of building projects in Dar es Salaam - Tanzania. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam. in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF TH119.T34K57)In building projects there have been inadequate and deficient designs and documentations which lead to direct delays, rework and variations which contribute to increase in project time and cost. Also, the deficiency indirectly increases the workload of project personnel, adversely affecting their ability to perform effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to assess the factors influencing the quality of design and its documentation in building projects. Literature review was done in relation to the nature of the design, design team, design and its documentation process, the requirements of quality design and its documentation, design management, the concept of lean design, the effects of design and its documentation deficiency and the factors causing design and its documentation deficiency in building projects. The study was conducted in Dar es Salaam City by using questionnaires to consultants and building contractors and interviews to stakeholders. 120 questionnaires were distributed with 14 factors investigated for data gathering on factors influencing quality of design and its documentation in construction projects. Arithmetic mean score method was used in data analysis. Questionnaires distributed were responded by 78.3% and findings revealed that the significant factors which occur frequently in causing design and its documentation deficiency in building projects are inadequate design management with mean a score of 4.7 and improper use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) with a mean score 4.4 both being out of 5. These were established to have a very high level of influence in affecting quality of design and its documentation process in building projects. Inadequate design management with a mean score of 3.6 was most frequently occurring factor in affecting the quality of design and its documentation process in building projects. In order to control factors mentioned above, it is recommended to clients not to impose tight schedules to designers in delivering the works, and clients should pay sufficiently and timely to designers in order for them to carry out properly their works. Furthermore, consultants should adhere to professional ethics in doing their works and they should be accountable for any negligence or misconduct done in the course of their doings.enBuilding designConstruction projectsBuilding projectsDar es SalaamTanzaniaAssessment of factors influencing quality of design and its documentation in construction projects: the case of building projects in Dar es Salaam - TanzaniaThesis