Kivamwo, adolph Simon2021-01-212021-01-212010Kivamwo, A.S ( 2010 ) Assessment of the impact of social marketing in influencing behaviour change towards use of condoms in Tanzania: a case study of HIV/AIDS campaigns by population services international (psi /Tanzania),Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in print form, EAF collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark ( THS EAF HF5415.I2T34K58 )Condoms are about 90% effective for preventing HIV transmission. Condom use has grown rapidly in Tanzania. Condoms have produced substantial benefit in all regions where both transmission of HIV virus and other sexual diseases have been substantially reduced. The application of social marketing to the promotion of condoms has been utilized by many countries as an approach to social behaviour change. Several measures have been taken since the outbreak of the disease in late eighties to fight the spread of the virus under the assistance of donors and from the government's own sources. Some of the measures have been to educate people on how to prevent themselves from contracting the virus by avoiding unsafe sex, having one faithful partner or using condoms. It was not easy to induce people to use condoms because some religions urged that using condoms is an immoral thing (act). Some tribes believe that condoms have some unsafe implants which could make women or men to be unproductive. These criticisms hindered condoms penetrations in many parts of the country hence, marketing strategies had to be adopted to alleviate the situation. The study conducted in Dar es Salaam focused in three factors of social marketing namely price, promotion and distribution which are considered as important in influencing social behaviour change which is a key factor in a fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS. The study found out that first price is not a sensitive factor in influencing people's behaviour changes towards consistent use of condoms. Moreover the study found that, condoms promotion messages can encounter stigmatization or traditional negative social values towards the use of condoms. Also, the study found out that access to condom distribution outlets and stimulates a consistent use of condoms. This study recommends in terventions such as including more condom promotion for groups at high risk, more rigorous measurement of the impact of condom promotion and more research on how best to integrate condom promotion with other prevention strategies, availability of condoms distribution outlets are to be taken into consideration when implementing any condoms social marketing programs.enSocial marketingBehavior modificationAids (Disease)CondomsTanzaniaAssessment of the impact of social marketing in influencing behaviour change towards use of condoms in Tanzania: a case study of HIV/AIDS campaigns by population services international (psi /Tanzania)Thesis