Fosbrooke, Henry A.2021-10-132021-10-131975Fosbrooke, Henry A. (1975) Dodoma Regional Developmenthttp:// in Print form, East Africana Collection, Dr Wilbert Chagula Library, ( EAF FOS F78.D6)The lack of action loading to the imp 1amentation of the Integrated Rural Development Programme for the Dodoma Region prepared the Canadian International Development Agency- in January, 1975 in disturbing. The necessity for urgent action to ensure that Tanzania’s now Capital is established in a prosperous and progressive rural setting has been constantly emphasized, but as yet no steps (other than the Regional Year Development work) have been taken to implement the five years programme outlined in the above report. Certainly the CIDA programme lacked precious necessitating re-examination under a Phase 11 for which aa yet Government has failed to obtain funding. But meanwhile two wasted years have gone by, with the situation deteriorating at an ever accelerating rate, what neighboring regions, more favorably placed in matter of climate, fertility and infrastructure, are forging ahead with well-conceived and well-funded five Year Plana. With no donor yet in eight, the gap between this region, an important from CDA a view point, and its neighbor continue to widenenDodomaDevelopmentRegionalCanadianDodoma Regional DevelopmentArticle