Mrisho, Barkey2020-05-192020-05-192019Mrisho, B (2019) Firm investment location and business practice: a case of Sameer Africa Limited.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HF5001.T34M74)The study carried out to investigate how firm investment location influence the business practices in Tanzania. A case of Sameer Africa Company Ltd. It was set to find out the influence the country’s business location on the business practices, to examine the influence of firm investment location on the country’s economic practices and to examine the influence of country’s social economic on business practices in Tanzania. Descriptive and Cross-sectional research design were used, whereby the set of literature reviews analyzed, frequency and measure of tendency were computed for analysis with the help of SPSS. Thus, from the findings it has been revealed that environmental factors, firm investments location has a direct impact on the business practices in Tanzania. Generally the study establishes that country business location, environmental factors and country’s business location has significant impact on business practices, Unlikely, social-economic factors on the business practices, however, it was suggested that if social-economic is attached with social-responsibility can perform better. The study further acknowledge on government and society being the number one influencer of business practices in the society by allowing equal distribution of firm investment location to enable vast economy development. Despite some respondents being less positive firm investment location on social-economic influence on the business practices but showed concern if it’s well improved to reflect more society advantages in case of social-economic responsibility. Generally the study identified that as the world system of marketing is changing it affects marketing environment and thus, Tanzania investments and marketing perspectives must adjust into the current technological system which support country business practices due to its nature. Thus, the study recommends to the government to ensure stable PESTL to enable Tanzania continue to be attractive destination for investments. Also, Tanzania Investment Centre needs to sustain investment coordination and promotion activities which consider social-economic and equal distribution of resources in all regions and no single centered marketing unit such as Kariakoo, Manzese and other many large cities centres.enFirmsBusiness enterprisesBusinessSameer africa company limitedFirm investment location and business practice: a case of Sameer Africa LimitedThesis