John, Albina2021-01-212021-01-212008John, A(2008)Assessment of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Status and its Implementation for Selected Projects in Tanzania.Masters dissertation,University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF TD 194.6.T34J63)This study assessed the implementation status of recommended mitigation measures during EIA studies and identified problems which affect its effectiveness in selected project from water supply and industrial sectors in Tanzania. It also assessed the effectiveness of monitoring the certified project and create EIA database. EIA Recommendations specified in the EMP and monitoring measures were not well implemented. This result into conflicts between project developers and surrounding communities, environment pollution and collapse of some development partners funded projects short period after implementation due to improper involvement of community. The methodologies used were counting and recording of reports, field visit, literature review, observation and conversion. The study identified 198 EIA studies undertaken in Tanzania from 1993 to 2007; among those 20.2% was from mining sectors, electricity and gas sector contribute 17.68% and tourism industry14.65%. about 5.1% studies are auditing repots and only 1.5% of projects were monitored. At east Kilimanjaro water supply project, 30.8% were implemented while in Fish Processing industry, only 32% were implemented. Out of total proposed measures from TBL, 48.8% were implemented and shelly pharmaceuticals project implemented 38.8%. The reasons are lack of enough commitment of developers; cost serving, improper follow up, lack of enough resources and knowledge about the important of environmental protection. The employment of enough experts, education, introduction of environmental departments and employment of environmental experts and Amendment of Act can be used to improve the implementation.enEnvironmental impact analysisWater conservation projectsTanzaniaAssessment of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Status and its Implementation for Selected Projects in Tanzania.Thesis