Komba, Stephen Keneth2019-11-282020-01-082019-11-282020-01-082014Komba, S. K (2014) Attitudes, strategies and participation of pupils with physical disability in sports and games in Tanzania’s primary schools, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4510Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF GV445.T34K65)This study examined the Attitudes, Strategies and Participation of Pupils with Physical Disability in Sports and Games in Tanzania’s Primary Schools. Specifically this study examined types of sports and games preferred by pupils with physical disability, attitudes of teachers and able bodied pupils towards sports and games for pupils with physical disability, resources available, the strategies to improve participation of pupils with physical disability in sports and games and the challenges encountered by pupils with physical disability in sports and games. The study employed qualitative research approach. 3 heads of primary schools participated in the study. 6 sport teachers, 54 pupils whereby, 28 were able bodied pupils while 26 were pupils with physical disability. Also District Education Officer was involved in a study making a total number of 64 respondents. The study was conducted at Mbinga district in Ruvuma region. The study employed case study design and data was collected through interviews, observation, focus group discussion and documentary review. The major findings revealed that, pupils with physical disability were not fully participated in various sports and games of their due to lack of sport facilities and equipment, limited qualified teachers in both special and physical education and negative attitudes for some teachers and able bodied pupils towards sports and games for physically disabled pupils. Further, the findings indicated that, teacher’s in-service training and capacity building, provision of enough fund in schools, designing of various sports programmes in schools and allocation of enough time for sports and games were among of the strategies to improve participation of physically disabled pupils in sports and games in Tanzania’s primary schools.The study recommended that, special attention should be given to the development of structured in-service training to teachers. Also, the government should make sure that, there is availability of enough sport facilities and equipment in schools that will be friendly to pupils with physical disability. Also, more education should be provided to teachers and able bodied pupils about disabilities so as to reduce stigma and improve attitudes towards the participation of physically disabled pupils in sports and games.enHandcapped childrenPhysical education for handcapped childrenChildren with disabilitiesPrimary schoolsTanzaniaAttitudes, strategies and participation of pupils with physical disability in sports and games in Tanzania’s primary schoolsThesis