Lugoe, Nyangee2020-01-232020-01-232018Lugoe, N. (2018). An exploration of secondary schools’ teachers’ responses to school inspection recommendations in Mwanga district, Kilimanjaro region. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB2801.A3.T34L836)The researcher was intrinsically motivated to search the truth on the implementation of school inspection recommendations in secondary schools following less achievement academically in many secondary schools, while inspection practices continue to be delivered. This study explored secondary schools’ teachers’ responses on school inspection recommendations in Mwanga district, Kilimanjaro region. Specifically, the study investigated the secondary school teachers’ and students’ perception towards school inspection processes and procedures, examined the strategic action plans designed by school to respond to school inspection recommendations and assessed the contribution of school inspection recommendations in improving teachers’ work performance and school management. The study employed qualitative approach which is informed by a single case study design. The study used purposive sampling technique to get 72 respondents, including 24 students, 24 teachers, 12 heads of departments, 4 academic teachers, 4 school heads and 4 school inspectors. Interview, documentary review and focus group discussion were used to collect the important data needed. The data was analyzed qualitatively using thematic analysis. The findings revealed that secondary school teachers’ perception varied. Many teachers appreciated school inspection that it helped them in doing their daily work and updated them in preparing curriculum tools, while a few of them did not. On the other hand, students appreciated school inspection as they rectify teachers’ weaknesses. Hence, teaching and learning process improved. Moreover, school heads and teachers together designed strategic action plans to respond to school inspections recommendations. They designed the action plans in the staff meetings and in their departments. The action plans designed depend on the recommendations given by school inspectors. School inspection recommendations contributed in improving school management and administrative skills in terms of school record keeping, job delegation,written job description, school discipline and supervision of curriculum. Furthermore, inspectors’ recommendations assisted teachers in curriculum implementation particularly in the use of competence based approach and preparing the curriculum tools. Students, also, agreed that school inspection improved teaching and learning especially in teaching strategies. The findings of this study imply that school inspection recommendations are implemented by teachers. Hence, they lead to improvement of the work performance. Therefore, the study recommends that, school inspection should be done frequently in order to get good result and increase teachers’ work performance and not once after every two years. Also, the time used for school inspection during their visit should be increased. Furthermore, the government should allow district school inspectors who inspect primary schools to inspect also secondary schools at district level because some zones are large and zonal school inspectors are few compared to number of schools inspected. Moreover, a related study on secondary schools’ teachers’ responses to school inspection recommendations in assessing the magnitude of the problem in Tanzania can be done in other areas for generalizability purpose.enSecondary educationSchool management and organizationInspection of schoolsTeachersMwanga districtTanzaniaAn exploration of secondary schools’ teachers’ responses to school inspection recommendations in Mwanga district, Kilimanjaro region.Thesis