Omari, Yusuph Singo2020-06-052020-06-052002Omari, Y. S (2002) The role of national sports associations in developing youth sports in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark ( THS EAF GV713.T34O5)The purpose of the study was to examine ‘The role of national sports associations in developing youth sports in Tanzania’. The study investigated variables that were assumed to influence youth sports development. Such variables include: sports leaders, sports policy, strategic planning and training. The sport Management Model developed by Sergiovanni and Starrat (1971) was employed so as to guide the investigation. The study was conducted in ten (10) national sports associations with forty one (41) respondents who included chairpersons, general secretaries, coaches and members of the executive committees. Data were collected through questionnaire, interviews and documentation. Data collected were calculated into frequencies and were subjected to thematic analysis. Findings of the study indicated that some leaders involved in sports activities do not have proper academic qualifications in sports. That deficiency puts them in very difficult situations when handling issues like equality in sports that is well stipulated in the current national sports policy. Worse even is that the national sports associations have no strategies plans for youth sports development. In the same manner, organizers, administrators and coaches are not receiving appropriate training to deal with the development of sports among the youths of Tanzania. On the basis of the findings and conclusion, it is recommended that the ministry of labour, youth development and sports should utilize sports educators that are present in the country and set plans that will ensure that national sports associations leaders are sports educators and committed persons to sports.enSports developmentLeadersPolicyNational sports associationThe role of national sports associations in developing youth sports in TanzaniaThesis