Rwechungura, Theodosia William2019-08-162020-01-082019-08-162020-01-081997Rwechungura, T. W. (1997). Provision of guidance and counselling to AIDS ophaned primary school pupils in Tanzania: a case study of Bukoba urban and rural district primary schools. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( in print formThe purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which pupils in primary schools, especially AIDS orphans, are guided and counselled by government institutions, NGOs and programme(s). The study also examined the availability of traditional guidance and counselling to AIDS orphaned children within their communities. The study covered six wards in Bukoba rural and five wards in Bukoba urban district, Kagera region. The case study approach was used. There were 394 respondents out of whom 240 were AIDS orphaned pupils from 16 primary schools. Data were collected by using questionnaires, interviews and documentary review. The findings of the study showed that primary school teachers did not learn educational guidance and counselling during their professional training; that about 56.2 percent of the teachers had some elementary knowledge in guidance and counselling acquired through attending short seminars; that teachers provided inadequate guidance and counselling services; and that AIDS orphaned pupils were assigned to guardian teachers who had no skills in guidance and counselling. As a result orphaned pupils' learning problems, i.e., psychosocial, educational and vocational problems remained hardly solved. The Ministry of Education and Culture could not provide in-service courses in guidance and counselling for primary school teachers due to financial problem. While there were no organised guidance and counselling services in primary schools, the study found that community members in the area of the study were involved in providing traditional guidance and counselling services to youth informally. It was, however, noted that the position of clan leaders and village leaders as traditional counsellors was no longer powerful or influential in the communities. The study also showed that NGOs and CSPD programme were not dealing with guidance and counselling services in educational institutions. The technique commonly used by both teachers and traditional counsellors was the telling or counsellor- centred technique. On the basis of these findings, it is recommended that the Ministry of Education and Culture should consider introducing courses in guidance and counselling for primary school teachers. It should also work in collaboration with NGOs and the local government to mobilize funds for running in service courses in guidance and counselling for this group. Besides, guidance and counselling should be introduced as services in primary schools with guardian teachers being trained in these disciplines so that they may effectively render these services. It is further recommended that the traditional set up whereby clan as well as community leaders oversee strict observance of norms and values in communities should be reactivated and promoted; that orphaned pupils should be involved in the process of providing services which is currently done by NGOs so that these children can learn life sustaining skills; that NGOs should work through a recognised government machinery so that they may direct their services where they are needed most and ultimately monitor these services; and that the community should be sensitized to see it as their duty to provide guidance and counselling services to AIDS orphaned children. For further research it is suggested that similar studies be conducted in other areas of Tanzania that are adversely affected by AIDS; that a study to investigate the cause of the communities' apathy in guiding and counselling AIDS orphaned children should be conducted, as well as a study to investigate the extent of guidance and counselling for AIDS orphaned secondary school students and orphaned students in higher learning institutions.enPersonnel service in elementary educationElementary school counselorsOrphansTanzaniaProvision of guidance and counselling to AIDS ophaned primary school pupils in Tanzania: a case study of Bukoba urban and rural district primary schools.Thesis