Causes of decline in major crop production in Bukoba: Banana, coffee and tea
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There is proof that the production of major crops namely banana, coffee and tea in Bukoba has declined. The available statistics show that yield per hectare for banana and coffee has been declining over time since 1910 to the present day. The decline for tea production is reflected in the failure of the Bukoba Tea Scheme to hit its target set by 1974 and lack of enthusiasm on the part of the peasants and their withdrawal from participating in the scheme. One cause of this decline originates from the inherent physical characteristics of the soils which besides being naturally infertile are very susceptible to leaching of essential plant mineral nutrients under Bukoba climatic conditions. This process has been observed to be due to very high rainfall in Bukoba and other climatic factors which make the soils continually lose their mineral nutrients. Under such conditions there is rising demand for manure/fertilizer inputs to restore and maintain soil fertility. This also calls for better husbandry methods on the part of the peasants which currently seem to be lacking. Besides, the costs of the inputs are so high that an ordinary peasant cannot afford them without assistance in the present conditions. These conditions are against the peasant. The market situation is such that producer price of the two cash crops (coffee and tea) has been kept low for long time and the future does not seem bright. This is partly due to domestic policies. While the earnings realised in the world marker are low, a large part of them do not reach the producer. Instead they are either spent on administrative costs or other things outside the coffee and tea industries. The marked effects are that potential productive peasants withdraw from participation in the production of the crops and shift to other sectors of the economy or become less productive within the industries themselves. The author suggests that this situation should be rectified if crops production is to be kept at the required level and quality. This is possible if the government is ready to reinvest proceeds in the three industries and create necessary incentives for farmers so that they can produce more and raise the quality of the crops. For example the government may subsidize the peasant through providing fertilisers and insecticides and may improve infrastructural facilities in the area in order to boost his production means.