Adequacy of sub - regional responses by the east African community in addressing trafficking in persons

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study examines the Adequacy of Sub-Regional Responses by the EAC in Addressing Trafficking in Persons. The study explains how Trafficking in Persons has become an emerging peace and security threat in the world in recent years. To achieve this objective the study is presented in five chapters. Chapter one gives the background of the problem explaining the reason why it focuses on EAC and gives a road map of how the study was conducted. Chapter Two presents the conceptual framework of TIP. It defines TIP in the context of the Palermo Protocol on TIP which identifies three major elements necessary to determine if TIP has taken place. It further discusses the causes of TIP which are divided into two major groups: Structural and Proximate factors. It is also identified that TIP can be discussed from various branches of law: human rights law, labour law, criminal law and migration law. Chapter three analyses the legal framework governing TIP from international, regional to sub regional initiatives to address TIP. The study puts the UN Protocol on TIP as the foundation upon which other legal instruments has built on to address TIP. The instruments presented portray that in addressing TIP the 3Ps approach: Prevention and combating TIP, Protection of victims and Prosecution of traffickers should be at the centre of all initiatives. Chapter four specifically focuses on measures adopted to address TIP by EAC and its Partner States. The study presents that TIP takes both within the Partner States and across the borders of the Partner States. The study argues that the creation of the common market increases the possibility of individuals being trafficked without identifying the traffickers. EAC has no specific framework on TIP at the Community Level. As such the study goes further to examine the adequacy of the existing legal and institutional frameworks and their relevancy to EAC. The chapter also presents and analyses the initiatives that have been taken by Partner States to address TIP in their territories. The last chapter is on conclusion and recommendations. At large the study makes a call to EAC on the need to develop specific legal and institutional framework to address TIP so as to secure a prosperous peaceful and secured EAC which protection and observance of human rights is at the centre of fulfilling its objectives.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HQ281.B82)
Human trafficking, East African Community, Africa, East, Law and legislation
Buchumi, V. G (2014) Adequacy of sub - regional responses by the east African community in addressing trafficking in persons, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.