Implementation of east African community investment laws and policy: the Case Study of Rwanda
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This study is and assessment of the process of implementation of East African Community investment laws and policy in Republic of Rwanda. It was conducted on the assumption that Rwanda legal frame work relating to cross-border investment has made a progress in compliance with EAC laws and policy. That notwithstanding, some laws and regulations which were adopted before, during or after Rwanda became a Partner State of EAC still contain some restrictions of cross-border investment. The study employed different research methods which included interview observation, library and desktop research. The research found out that there is significant progress to facilitate cross-border investment in Rwanda by fitting EAC investors into domestic definition of investors. However some state sponsored regulations for example in the capital market business make it a requirement for foreign business persons to first obtain foreign license in order to participate in that sector. Similarly, the Rwanda Central Bank is vested with excessive powers in terms of financial intervention which creates challenges to cross-border investment. The Central Bank enjoys exclusive monopoly of the central security depository. Some requirements such as reciprocity of treatment especially with regard to free movement of service amount to Non-Conformity Measures and are thus disincentive to cross border laws and regulations amended to conform to EAC cross-border investment laws and policy.