The Need for Professionalization and Employability of Quality Assurance Practitioners at Higher Education Institutions
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By nature of their tasks quality assurance practitioners are among the leaders of institutions. The contribution and enhancement of leaders in quality assurance are crucial to improving mutual trust. Keep in mind that a leader always deals with people with their individual characteristics and capabilities, problems and individual perceptions. We cannot divorce people from leadership and leaders have a responsibility to serve. Leaders play a key role of coordinating, planning, leading, and controlling in order quality assurance and other standards are maintained in the institutions. This paper discusses findings of the three research questions that aimed to come up with the following information basics of QA professionals towards quality assurance, attributes of QA professionals in quality assurance and ethical aspects of quality assurance professionals should have. Generally, officers in quality assurance requires a shared and supporting approach – it requires cooperation, the ability to manage quality, a well-structured organization and the support of all stakeholders in higher education. Leaders in quality assurance should always set the example. You cannot require learning institutions to maintain quality if you don’t. Most importantly, quality assurance is about protecting and promoting the interests of the customer and the community at large. The outcome of quality assurance to the institutions is to have; employability, relevance, reputable products and services. The study was very connected to the theme of the conference “Promoting sustainable development through QA of Higher education” this cannot be effectively achieved, if Universities have no professional quality assurance practitioners to lead the accomplishment of universities’ goals.