Socio-economic determinants of mangrove exploitation and management in Pangani River Estuary, Tanzania
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Mangroves in Tanzania are gazetted forest reserves, albeit they continue to be threatened by human pressures and mismanagement. This study explored socio-economic determinants of exploitation patterns and management of mangroves in Pangani River Estuary, using two communities of Bweni and Pangani Magharibi as case study sites. Data were collected through focus group discusions (FGDs), key informant interviews (KIIs), househould questionnaire (HHQ) and field observations. Quantitative data were analysed for both descriptive and statistical inferences while qualitative information was subjected to content analysis. Residence time of household, household main occupation, household size and cost of alternative resources to substitute use of mangroves as source of fuel wood were positively correlated with mangrove resource use. The two communities differed in perception on the role of local institutions in management of mangroves.Over 56% of respondents in Bweni agreed that interventions of Beach Management Units (BMUs) enhanced mangrove condition and only about 16% in Pangani Magharibi had similar perception. Overall, more than 50% of respondents were not impressed with effectiveness of state management agencies in implementing conservation measures and sustainable use of mangroves. Loss of coastal fisheries resources was perceived as the major negative impact of mangroves overuse. This study recommends promotion of feasible alternative livelihood activities especially to fishermen and improved stakeholders’ collaborative arrangements for sustainable exploitation and management of mangroves in the area.