Report on the Lunguya mineral exploration property of Tanzanian royalty exploration corporation in the Kahama district, Shinyanga region of the united republic of Tanzania, East Africa.



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Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corporation


Tanzanian Royalty is a publicly-traded financial gold company whose business strategy is to acquire royalty interests in gold production from its core assets in the Lake Victoria Goldfields of Tanzania. As of December 31, 2008, the company had 88,793,958 common shares issued and outstanding. Tanzanian Royalty’s head office is in South Surrey, British Columbia, Canada and it trades on the TSX Exchange under the symbol TNX and on the AMEX as TRE. The company operates in Tanzania through two wholly-owned, Tanzanian-registered companies, TANCAN Mining Company Ltd. and Tanzam 2000 Ltd. The Lunguya Project is at an early exploration stage and, as of October 31, 2009, consisted of 11 granted Prospecting Licences plus 6 approved applications covering a total area of approximately 428.79 km². The property is located in the Lake Victoria Goldfields area within one of the principal Archaean greenstone belts of Tanzania and lies 15-30 km south of Barrick Gold Corp’s. Bulyanhulu Mine. The Lunguya Project includes northwest-trending magnetic lineaments and shear sets that are parallel to those hosting Bulyanhulu. Areas of current or historic artisanal workings contain surface quartz rubble zones, exploited by the artisanal miners.



Mining sector, Lunguya project, TANCAN Mining Company Ltd, Shinyanga region, Kahama district, Tanzanian Royalty, Tanzania


Geo, M.T. P. (2010). Report on the Lunguya mineral exploration property of Tanzanian royalty exploration corporation in the Kahama district, Shinyanga region of the united republic of Tanzania, East Africa.