Sediment transport in Tanzania rivers (A Comparison between Field Measurements and Theoretical Equations).



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University of Dar es Salaam


By selecting about two to three rivers in Tanzania from which river characteristics and some sediment data exist, checking and comparing field measurements methods and results with theoretical sediment transport formulae, the thesis shall try to criticize the existing data and find out which type of field measurements and theoretical formulae would be technically and economically most suitable to use in Tanzania rivers and others of similar characteristics. At the present stage of development in hydraulics and hydrology, it is possible to determine the total sediment discharge of a river by a large number of methods. The results to be obtained from such studies will be as various as the methods themselves. A number of methods and equations are tested for some rivers in Tanzania, and results compared with actual field measurements. River Rufiji, the largest river in Tanzania is taken as a representative in the field of measurements, results of which are used for recommending suitable formulae for determining sediment in such rivers. A detailed discussion on known equations and their assumptions are included. Finally the Engelund-Hansen total load formula is recommended for rivers of the Rufiji type. Further studies on remaining rivers and equations is recommended.


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Sediment transport, Tanzania


Mtalo, F. W (1980) Sediment transport in Tanzania rivers (A Comparison between Field Measurements and Theoretical Equations), Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (