Improvement of low quality roughages by alkali treatment under Tanzanian conditions



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University of Dar es Salaam


A study was undertaken on the improvement of the nutritive value of maize stover and Hyparrhenia grass by alkali treatment. Two chemicals, sodium hydroxide (NaoH) and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) were used as far as 3 x 3 factorial design. Three levels of each chemical i.e. Og. 3g and 6g per 100g of roughage were tested Eighteen black head Persian entire male sheep were used for the studies. In vivo digestibility and intake studies were carried out on maize stover supplemented with a protein, minerals and vitamins source. In vitro suties were conducted on maize stover as such and on Hyparrhenia grass. Both alkalies in increased the in vivo dry matter and organic matter digestibilities of the maize stover based diets. A significant interaction between the action of NaOH and Na2CO3 was observed in all the paramenters studied. There was no significant differences between the use of either NaoH or Na2CO3 in the digestibility studies. However, in the intake studies where feed was offered ad libitum intake was higher for the NaOH than Na2CO3 treatments.. Similarly in the in vitro studies, better results were obtained with NaoH than with Na2CO3 treatments. The action of Na2CO3 appears to be more effective in vivo than in vitro. It is suggested that the logner treating times for Na2CO3 might give equally good results as those of NaoH treatments. Due to the low cost of Na2CO3 and its abundance in the country in the form of ‘Magadi’ it is recommended that more studies be done on its use as well as making more detailed studies as to the origin and extent of its interaction with other chemicals.


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Feeds, Agricultural chemistry, Tanzania


Urio, N. A (1977) Improvement of low quality roughages by alkali treatment under Tanzanian conditions, masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (