State control over the coffee authority of Tanzania
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University of Dar es salaam
The objective of state control over the coffee authority is tighter control of the coffee farmers’ agricultural surplus product. state control of the agricultural surplus product is not a new phenomenon, The history legal and administrative control of the cash crop is traced in chapters one and two to the British colonial times up to the times of Independence and after, where we witness a steady increase of the state control over the production and marketing of coffee and a gradual centralization of this control as co-operative societies and unions give way to the parastatal coffee authority of Tanzania. Chapter three looks at the genesis of the coffee authority. It dwells on the functions the powers and the conduciveness of its organization structure to government. The state control over the control over the coffee authority is analysed in chapters four and five, is through the ministry of agriculture, the parliament; the treasury; the Tanzania audit corporation; the standing committee of parastatal organizations; the Tanzanian investment Bank; the Bank of Tanzania the standing committee on parastatals Technical management committees; and the Government export Tax on coffee. Ultimately, it is revealed in chapter six that increased state control over the coffee farmer’s agricultural surplus product through the above mechanisms, and through administrative devices, such as the village government, the district development councils and prime minister’s office has had an adverse impact on the coffee production in general. The state in the final analysis, has not achieved its desired and namely, appropriation of increased agricultural surplus product of the peasantry. Chapter seven dwells on our observations and conclusion.
Available in print form, Eat Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library,(THS EAF KRDN225)
Naali, S. R.P (1981) State control over the coffee authority of Tanzania,Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.