Dynamic channel allocation for coexistence of IEEE 802.11 WLAN and LTE-U in 5GHz unlinced spectrum
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There has been an exponentially increasing demand for wireless data transmission in cellular networks in recent years due to the rapid development of mobile Internet and the predominance of smart devices, such as smart phones, tablet computer and wearable communication devices. This development has caused an escalating frequency spectrum scarcity in the licensed spectrum bands for cellular networks. To address this, standardization efforts have recently started to consider the possibility for cellular networks to use the unlicensed spectrum bands, including the 2.4 GHz and 5GHz bands which are currently used by other wireless systems. This study proposes a dynamic channel allocation algorithm which supports the coexistence of LTE-U and IEEE 802.11 WLAN in unlicensed band. The designed algorithm is based on the adaptive allocation of sub frames in LTE structure intended to reserve sufficient number of ABS in LTE structure which are to be accessed by WiFi in order to ensure fair access opportunity for WiFi. The ABS allocation and choice of LTE sub frames structure is based on the WiFi Optimum traffic load estimated by considering the number of users, contention window and back off stage. Results of the study indicate an improved performance in terms of throughput of both LTE and WiFi as compared to existing scheme which makes use of static ABS allocation with an explicit allocation of 3 ABS frames. The throughput improvement is by 56% for LTE and 8% WiFi. These results have been achieved by managing congestion in the network and efficient allocation of resources.