The biology and fishery potential of palinurid lobsters in Tanzania.

dc.contributor.authorBwathondi, Philip Odoyo Joseph
dc.description.abstractRepresentatives of the crustacean genus Panulirus are widely distributed throughout the Indo-West Pacific waters. This genus is represented by five species in Tanzanian coastal waters. The five species, in the order of their abundance, are P. ornatus, P. homarus, P. versicolor and P. penicilillatus. The habitat of the adults and the larvae of each species are investigated and discussed. Length/weight relationships of both male and female P.ornatus and P.longipes have been determined. Females have been found to be slightly longer and heavier than the males (having the same carvapace length) of the same species. The gross and histological anatomy of the reproductive systems of both males and females of this genus were investigated by vital staining techniques and by standard histological sectioning techniques. Function of each system was ascertained. Captive females were reared during and after breeding to determine the number of ovulations per breeding season, moulting cycle and growth per moult. Following gonad maturity states and the abundance of barried and spent forms for one complete year, breeding season has been established. The improvement of the common methods employed in fishing and some conservation measures have been suggested.en_US
dc.identifier.citationBwathondi, P. O. J. (1973). The biology and fishery potential of palinurid lobsters in Tanzania. Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectLobster fisheriesen_US
dc.subjectCrustacean genus panulirusen_US
dc.titleThe biology and fishery potential of palinurid lobsters in Tanzania.en_US