Obstetric and gynaecologic case records and commentaries

dc.contributor.authorMlay, Joseph
dc.descriptionAvailable in print formen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study deals with the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of specified Gynaecological and Obstetric cases; giving also commentaries on the procedures process of treatment and the realized results. The Gynaecological Cases studied and treated in this dissertation included; spontaneous incomplete Abortion evacuation; Pelvic Peritoneal Schistosomiasis; benign Dermoid Cyst of left Ovary laparotomy; ruptured Pyosalpinx Laparotomy and drainage; Reptured Tubal Pregnancy with total salpinga Oophorectomy; Induced abortion perforation of the uterus repair; uterine fibrosis menorrhagia abbnominal hysterectomy; second degree uterine prolapse a cystocele and a rectocele; sexial Asault with resultant third Degree perneal Tea following Vesico Vaginal Fistula repair. The obstetric cases studied and handled in this study included: spontaneous rupture of a gravid uterus due to obstracted labour; caesarean section of conjoined Twins Subacute polyharaminious ;termination; intrapartum Eclampsia and home delivery of a viable foetus; spontaneous Intrapartum Dehiscence of previous caesarean scar delivery of live fetus tubaligation; failed manual removal of retained placenta laparatomy and removal of placenta through a lower transverse uterine incision in a well developed horn of uterus Bicornis; Retained second twin, severe chorioamnionitis caesarean ystererectomy; placenta pravia at 38 weeks of Gestation; Tripplets delivery by Caesarean section and Recurent mid and late trimester pregnancy wastage cerrival cerclage by McDonald’s method. Detailed commentaries are provided after each case is studied and treated as to the results and the general process.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMlay, J. (1987) Obstetric and gynaecologic case records and commentaries, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectDar es Salaamen_US
dc.titleObstetric and gynaecologic case records and commentariesen_US

