Ubendian mineralisation in the Lupa Goldfields, south-western Tanzania: new discoveries and geochronology
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The Lupa Goldfield of south-western Tanzania produced over 23 tonnes of gold during colonial times, and an unrecorded amount since independence. The New Saza Mine was the second largest pre-Independence gold producer in the country after the Geita Mine. Despite that, and unlike the Archaean granite-greenstone terrain of the Lake Victoria Goldfields, the Lupa Goldfield has not received significant modern exploration. This is mainly due to a perception that high-T metamorphism during the Ubendian Orogeny meant the Lupa Goldfield was only prospective for narrow, high-grade gold vein mineralisation (e.g. see de Klerk, 2001). However recent exploration by Helio indicates this perception is false. Re-evaluation of the timing and genetic relationships of the gold mineralisation in the area indicates that good potential does exist in the Lupa Goldfield for a world-class gold deposit.