Ubendian mineralisation in the Lupa Goldfields, south-western Tanzania: new discoveries and geochronology


The Lupa Goldfield of south-western Tanzania produced over 23 tonnes of gold during colonial times, and an unrecorded amount since independence. The New Saza Mine was the second largest pre-Independence gold producer in the country after the Geita Mine. Despite that, and unlike the Archaean granite-greenstone terrain of the Lake Victoria Goldfields, the Lupa Goldfield has not received significant modern exploration. This is mainly due to a perception that high-T metamorphism during the Ubendian Orogeny meant the Lupa Goldfield was only prospective for narrow, high-grade gold vein mineralisation (e.g. see de Klerk, 2001). However recent exploration by Helio indicates this perception is false. Re-evaluation of the timing and genetic relationships of the gold mineralisation in the area indicates that good potential does exist in the Lupa Goldfield for a world-class gold deposit.


Available at: http://www.helioresource.com/i/pdf/Gold%20Mineralisation%20in%20the%20Lupa%20Goldfields.pdf


Gold mining, Ubendian mineralisation, Lupa Goldfield, New Saza mine, South western Tanzania, Tanzania


McKenzie, C., Sheets, R., Moore, J. and Selby, D. (2009). Ubendian mineralization in the Lupa Goldfields, southwestern Tanzania: new discoveries and geochronology.