Impact of water abstraction upstream NyM reservoir on hydropower production: a case study Pangani river basin hydropower systems, Tanzania
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Mathematical hydrological models were developed for measurement of impact of abstraction upstream of NyM reservoir. The model was run using historical release sequence and newly developed release rules. The new release sequence was developed as a function of storage. The historical release sequence was thus evaluated against the newly proposed rules. Accordingly the power and energy production using the historical release sequence was lower by 12.76% and 24.58% as compared to new release rules Rule 2 and Rule 3 respectively for all the hydropower systems. Using the historical and new release sequence, impacts of upstream abstraction was investigated for various abstraction scenarios. In the first scenario, abstraction was varied as a function of the potential area developed for irrigation. In the second scenario a constant monthly abstraction was allowed and hydropower simulated. The analysis showed that if the new release sequence is used, abstraction of lm3/s of water upstream NyM may reduce power production by 0.64% with associated risk of failure of 2.2% (approximately 8 days failure per annum). If 95% reservoir reliability is set, 26% of the potential un-irrigated land can be irrigated or a constant upstream annual abstraction of 8m3/s may be allowed.