Sustainability of water quality management in Ngerengere river catchment in Morogoro region

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study assessed sustainability of water quality management in Ngerengere River catchment. The study was guided by three research objectives: First, to determine the situation of water quality in the catchment. Second, to evaluate sustainability of water quality management in terms of policy, the legal enforcement, institutional setup and financial capacity. Thirdly, to recommend for effective ways of sustaining water quality management in the study area. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative research approaches using a survey design. The instruments of data collection were questionnaires and the interviews. The water quality situation was determined by physicochemical and bacteriological analysis of water samples. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) computer software. The study revealed that the water in Ngerengere River is polluted. It is highly contaminated with total and faecal coliform bacteria ranged from 584-6100cfu/100ml and 74-2490cfu/100ml respectively that varied from upstream to downstream. The study further indicated that the policy objectives towards sustainable management of water quality were not properly being implemented in the study area. Besides that, the institutional setups were not effective much as to be capable of sustaining the water quality along the river. The study concludes sustainability of the water quality management in the catchment areas was inadequate due to the fact that it was not meeting the needs of the communities by the river precincts, and also the environment in terms of quality. The study recommends restructuring of water management institutional setup and capacitating the Basin Water Board in taking legal action against polluters and established water quality database at basin level.
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Water quality management, Ngerengere river catchment, Morogoro region, Tanzania
Daudi, D (2013) Sustainability of water quality management in Ngerengere river catchment in Morogoro region, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. (Available at