A conceptual framework for connecting renewable energy system to the national grid: a case study of Malawi

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University of Dar es Salaam
Poor access to modem energy services is a major impediment to economic development in developing countries. Significant barriers prevent the achievement of the goal of universal access to modem energy services. Due to significant constraints on grid extension projects in recent years, much focus has been placed on the potential for Renewable Energy Systems (RES), and in particular, the connection of RES to the national electricity grid, as a means of achieving increased energy access in developing countries. The availability of abundant renewable resources, lack of fossil fuels and persistent power cuts due to insufficient generation contribute to the advantages of renewable energy integration into the energy sector in Malawi. Based on data collected through expert interviews and theoretical analysis, this dissertation argues that policy change approach can play a role in overcoming the barriers preventing the connection of RES to the national grid. Specifically, it identifies the challenges that prevent the development of renewable energies - vague policies and regulations - and the unfavorable market models that hinder the development of RES in the energy sector. The analysis shows that, while the installation of RES is often achievable in practice, the goal of integrating RES to the national grid remains a challenge.
Available in print form, EAF collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark ( THS EAF TJ 807.9.M3N456 )
Renewable energy services, National grid, Malawi, Tanzania
Ngombende, F ( 2016 ) A conceptual framework for connecting renewable energy system to the national grid: a case study of Malawi,Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.