Sustainability of small towns’ water supply in Tanzania: the case of Kibaigwa in Dodoma

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University of Dar es Salaam
Water provision in rapidly urbanization small towns in developing countries is contentious especially the management structure. In Tanzania, water supply interventions have been concentrated in rural areas and regional headquarters, leaving small towns with minimum interventions and without service management model. This research sought to reflect on the Kibaigwa water management model and assess its suitability and recommend possible amendments for replication to other small towns. In undertaking the study, cross sectional research design was adopted involving semi-structured questionnaire, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and interviews with both primary and secondary stakeholders. Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) soft ware was used in data analysis. The study revealed that the sustainability of Kibaigwa water supply facilities and services hinges upon high community participation level at all stages of project cycle, availability of funds for operation and maintenance, single water source, use of water revenue to support extension of services, accountability to community members and customer satisfaction with provision of water services. It was also found that Kibaigwa management model of Board of Trustees was instrumental for sustainability because it is rooted within the community. The study proposed that the Board of Trustees Model should be modified to accommodate people with technical expertise who can not be elected under the normal process to give advice. The parent ministry through local council should periodically facilitate review of the management structure, provide feedback and document success that can be replicated to other small towns.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library.
Small towns’, Water supply, Sustainability, Kibaigwa, Dodoma, Tanzania
Zacharia, C (2009) Sustainability of small towns’ water supply in Tanzania: the case of Kibaigwa in Dodoma, Master dissertaton, University of Dar es Salaam.