Investigating factors affecting the usage of learning management system among instructors In Tanzania higher learning institutions: a case of university of Dodoma.




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University of Dar es salaam


Investigating factors affecting the usage of learning management system among instructors In Tanzania higher learning institutions: a case of university of Dodoma. Hamadi Mtani Master of Science (Information System Management) University of Dar es salaam, College of Engineering and Technology, 2020 The use of learning management system (LMS) for Teaching and Learning purpose is now expanding in most of the Higher Learning institutions in developing countries including Tanzania. Many of the research studies have focused on students’ side and few of them done in the developed countries. Instructor’s acceptance of the LMS is one of the key successes of this technology because they are playing a great role on the usage of LMS and hence can promote the students utilization of that technology. The purpose of this research was to determine the reasons which make from use or not use the LMS among the experienced and non-experienced LMS instructors at the University of Dodoma. Technological acceptance models such as TAM, TOE, TAUT, UTAUT2, D&M models as well as related literature were been reviewed, then conceptual model was developed. Data was collected among 173 instructors using purposive sampling, then regression analysis was used in order to determine the factors toward behavioral intention to use LMS among 92 experienced LMS instructors. Finally, 15 instructors were interviewed to expore more about the determined factors. Also, the perception and the reasons regarding to LMS use were explored among 81 non-experienced LMS user. The results vealed that perceived LMS usefulness, instructor’s self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation were the reasons for predicting instructor’s intention to use LMS among experienced LMS users. Then insufficient knowledge on the use of LMS, lack of training lack of motivation, lack of motivation, cost of using the internet poor ICT facilities were found to inhabit non-experienced LMS users from the use of LMS for Teaching. Purpose. Findings of this study will help the HLIs in identifying the key issues to consider when implementing LMS trough understanding of attitude and perceptions of instructors upon the use of that system.


Available in print form, East Africana collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF LB1028.35 T34M72)


Instructional systems,, Higher learning institution,, University of Dodoma,, Tanzania


Mtani, H(2020)Investigating factors affecting the usage of learning management system among instructors In Tanzania higher learning institutions: a case of university of Dodoma,Masters Dissertation,University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.