Performance evaluation of resource-sharing for mobile network operations in Tanzania a case of vodacom, airtel and tigo Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
Performance of resource-sharing in network operations for mobile telecoms operators in Tanzania was evaluated in terms of reduction of service tariff, geographical expansion of mobile network, operational and investment cost reduction. Operational effectiveness of networks under resources shared mode also covered the benefits, challenges and risks related to resources sharing. Primary data were derived from questionnaires, check list questions for observation and personal interviews. Secondary data were sourced from various literatures and audit reports. The study covered local mobile operators through technical staff as respondents. Results obtained indicate that the level of performance of resource sharing was mainly governed through network expansion, network stability and availability, operational cost reduction, service tariff reduction with more options and customer satisfaction. Large network expansion was done after resource sharing, low cost allowed more subscribers to join various services. Off net call was reduced from 0.125 USD $ in 2012 to 0.0017 USD $ in 2015. In year 2010 investment in telecom industry in Tanzania was about TZS 2,617 billion, and in the year 2014 investment raised to TZS 4,675 billion. Correspondingly, subscription increased from 21,000,000 in year 2010 to 31,000,000 in 2014. Through passive load resource sharing, operation cost was reduced as MTCs currently pay rent and lease fee the situation which allowed all MTCs to decrease their service tariffs. Stakeholders in communication industry have to prioritize service delivery by reduced risk of single provider to handle the whole telecoms passive infrastructure. Otherwise, regulatory bodies should focus more on how to improve service delivery.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF TK5103.2.T34M73)
Mobile communication systems, Cost sharing, Vodacom, Airtel, Tigo, Tanzania
Mshiu, H. S.(2015) Performance evaluation of resource-sharing for mobile network operations in Tanzania a case of vodacom, airtel and tigo Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam