Advancing rainwater harvesting as a strategy to improve water access in Kinondoni District
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University of Dar es Salaam
Inadequate water supply from DAWASCO affects communities in different wards of Kinondoni District. Currently total demand of water in Dar es Salaam is 450,000m per day while its production capacity is only 350,000m per day. Methods that were used in data collection were interview, questionnaire, observation, and laboratory tests. SPSS tool was used for data analysis. The study aimed to assess opportunities for application of RWH technologies, challenges for installation and maintenance of RWH technologies and final to propose creation of financial and technical institutions for implementation of RWH technologies. Rooftop RWH systems with proper components and desirable maintenance were found to bear good quality of water for domestic use than other systems. On laboratory tests rainwater revealed to be better than most sources of water available in the study area although its Ph in plastic storages were observed to be less than required standard for domestic use i.e Ph below minimum limit of 6.5. Lack of knowledge was identified as the main factor that hinders adoption of RWH technology as the people have the idea that rainwater cannot be preserved over a long period of time without being spoilt and invaded by worms. Also initial investment cost was among the reasons deterring adoption of RWH especially to households with low income. Therefore for improving adoption rate of RWH there should be an integrated participation of different stakeholders such as Government, education institutions, financial institutions, construction companies and NGOs to educate and support communities on RWH technologies’ challenges.
Available in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF S619.W38T34D57)
Water harvesting, Water use, Kinondoni district
Dismas, J. (2013) Advancing rainwater harvesting as a strategy to improve water access in Kinondoni District. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.