Assessment of Socio- Economic activities impacts on water quality in Mubarazi River catchment, Burundi: case study of Gatabo
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University of Dar es Salaam
In Burundi, almost 42% of water has a higher sensitivity of water pollution (Republic of Burundi, 2008). In the study area (Gatabo), water resources are under increasing pressure due to population increase and some poor practices such as socio-economic activities which extended up to water body in the Mubarazi river. The study evaluated therefore the exchanges on water quality after the discharge of Gatabo in the river through analysis of some physic-chemicals parameters such as: pH, Temperature, S.S, Turbidity, Nitrates, Ec, DO and BODS5. It has been found out that there was a regular change in most of the parameters surveyed from upstream(Sl) to downstream(S3) of the study area (Gatabo,S2) the time of sampling(Appendixl) . The concentration of some parameters in the river tended to be higher at Gatabo level (except for pH and DO) whereby sediments due to run-off are discharged into the river in addition to wastewaters from the agglomeration but in other cases there was no significant change (e.g. Ee). Agriculture together with the agglomeration of Gatabo whereby the wastes from the location are directly diverted into the river has been identified as the major source of pollution through: Fertilisers, pesticides, soil erosion, etc. The study found through an investigation that most of people in the area are aware of water resources conservation but seem to be lacking of some more information on how to improve the way of protecting the resource. For that reason, an EMS has been suggested in order to avoid or minimize the degradation of water resource in the Mubarazi river catchments as well as in all over the country.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF TD365.B94B35)
Water quality management, Mubarazi ariver catchment, Burundi, Gatabo
Baradumbwa, A (2009) Assessment of Socio- Economic activities impacts on water quality in Mubarazi River catchment, Burundi: case study of Gatabo, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.