An assessment of factors contributing to the failure of Tasaf building construction projects: a case study of Mara region
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University of Dar es Salaam
The problem of project failure in the building construction industry is a global phenomenon and highlights a great challenge from both developed and developing countries including Tanzania. While the goal of all parties involved in the projects is to make sure that all projects are being completed on the scheduled time, cost, and scope with the highest quality, this has not been the case in TASAF Building Construction Projects. This study sought to identify factors contributing to the failure of TASAF Building Construction Projects. Descriptive survey research design was adopted, and data for the study were gathered from 128 respondents mainly through questionnaires being supplemented by interview; as well as documentation. Collected data were analysed descriptively and presented through the use of frequencies, tables, figures as well as mean score. Inferential analysis was done using chi-square and correlation analysis. From the findings, the major factors were those derived from cost overruns, time overruns, quality problems as well the projects scope changes. To improve the performance of the TASAF building Construction Projects, it is recommended that the quality management principle should be adopted, involvement of stakeholders in each and every stage of executing the projects. Trainings should be conducted to all stakeholders of the projects on how to estimate the cost of materials, select the good suppliers in order to avoid material fluctuation as well as having real and realistic cost estimates. The government or funding agents should release the fund timely to avoid delays to complete the projects. There should be effective planning and evaluation of the projects to be implemented.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF TH437.T34M83)
Building, Estimates Social Action Fund, Mara region, Tanzania
Muhochi, M. N.(2015).An assessment of factors contributing to the failure of Tasaf building construction projects: a case study of Mara region, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.