Development of a model towards successful contractors partnership.

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University of Dar es Salaam
The main objective of the study was to develop a model which can be adapted by the contractors to implement successful partnerships. The study used literature review and qualitative research methodology that concerned extensive narrative data collection. Statistical data analysis and quantitative presentation of results. The choice of using questionnaire was opted for its efficient and ability to capture more information from the contractors. The questionnaires were used to solicit opinion from contractors mainly on partnership experience, factors hindering partnerships, success factors and steps towards forming a successful. The factors that hinder implementation of partnership in Tanzania were first established in order that the model could address them. These were found to include lack of trust; lack of vision; lack of willingness to share power and control; lack of commitment; lack of accountability; the environment of trust, willingness of the partner to share power and control; use the strength of each partner; strive to make partnership a win as mentioned in the conclusion. From those success factor a model was developed to be:- The drivers, the process, the environment which is conducive and the outcomes. The success factors should be adopted by the contractors in implementing partnership activities. The boards dealing with the construction industry should conduct training/seminars on strategic partnership to create awareness on partnership; the research recommended the developed model to be put into trials by the contractor for success of their partnership. The act to enforce foreign contractors to partner with the local firm should be established through the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development
Available in print form, EAF collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark ( THS EAF.HD9715.A2N92 )
Partnership, Construction contracts, Construction industry, Tanzania
Nyamhanga, E ( 2011 ) Development of a model towards successful contractors partnership,Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.